◆外星[狼](anita780408) (21:05:36) |
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◆浩人[獵](Phantom of the Opera) (21:05:31) |
| | ◆村口花旦黃的自言自語 梅洛 2 票 投票給 1 票 → 幽靈C羅
轉票自保有問題嗎? |
◆天哪[村](h12177647b) (21:05:11) |
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◆逃避魯[靈決](bluemidnight) (21:05:09) |
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◆幽靈C羅[狼](chawu) (21:05:08) |
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◆幽靈C羅[狼](chawu) (21:05:01) |
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◆浩人[獵](Phantom of the Opera) (21:04:27) |
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◆天哪[村](h12177647b) (21:04:09) |
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◆外星[狼](anita780408) (21:04:05) |
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◆幽靈C羅[狼](chawu) (21:03:38) |
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◆浩人[獵](Phantom of the Opera) (21:03:37) |
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◆外星[狼](anita780408) (21:03:30) |
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◆逃避魯[靈決](bluemidnight) (21:03:28) |
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◆浩人[獵](Phantom of the Opera) (21:03:14) |
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< < 日落、黑暗的夜晚來臨 > > |
◆逃避魯[靈決](bluemidnight) (21:03:05) |
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◆天哪[村](h12177647b) (21:02:52) |
| | 以前玩天黑只要警察CS殺手 殺手臨死前投票的那個人算半白 |
◆外星[狼](anita780408) (21:02:48) |
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◆浩人[獵](Phantom of the Opera) (21:02:38) |
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◆逃避魯[靈決](bluemidnight) (21:02:28) |
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◆天哪[村](h12177647b) (21:02:15) |
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◆外星[狼](anita780408) (21:01:44) |
| | 對阿...我真的要說...我以為不可能這麼快占到狐= = |
◆逃避魯[靈決](bluemidnight) (21:01:43) |
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◆天哪[村](h12177647b) (21:01:39) |
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◆浩人[獵](Phantom of the Opera) (21:01:28) |
| | 昨天晚上、外星 人狼鎖定 浩人 為目標 昨天晚上、獵人 浩人 對 外星 護衛
(怨恨 |
◆逃避魯[靈決](bluemidnight) (21:01:13) |
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◆外星[狼](anita780408) (21:01:07) |
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◆天哪[村](h12177647b) (21:01:02) |
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◆外星[狼](anita780408) (21:00:44) |
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◆逃避魯[靈決](bluemidnight) (21:00:40) |
| | 楓情隔天當天就被R了 然後大家就遺忘1-5了XDDD |
◆逃避魯[靈決](bluemidnight) (21:00:23) |
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◆浩人[獵](Phantom of the Opera) (21:00:23) |
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◆沉月之鑰[村](blabla) (21:00:15) |
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◆外星[狼](anita780408) (20:59:55) |
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◆浩人[獵](Phantom of the Opera) (20:59:47) |
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◆逃避魯[靈決](bluemidnight) (20:59:36) |
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◆莉莉絲[村權](1234) (20:59:05) |
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◆天哪[村](h12177647b) (20:59:05) |
| | (開始擦淚)我們不能這麼悲痛下去,應該趕快把狼除掉! |
◆逃避魯[靈決](bluemidnight) (20:59:04) |
| | 唉 我插太多人了 我不能接受神權場一定要"當天"跳靈耶w |
◆浩人[獵](Phantom of the Opera) (20:59:03) |
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◆外星[狼](anita780408) (20:58:58) |
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◆沉月之鑰[村](blabla) (20:58:45) |
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◆浩人[獵](Phantom of the Opera) (20:58:32) |
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◆外星[狼](anita780408) (20:58:22) |
| | 我唯一的貢獻...(要不然我出包成這樣還有救嗎?不脫個人下水怎麼行?) |
< < 早晨來臨 6 日目的早上開始 > > |